Tag Archives: rights

It is your RIGHT

Its is your right to matter but do you want to?

It is your right to not want to get out of the bed but when you see the sunlight the birds chirping you should.

Its your right to feel sad but why not look at the people laughing around you.

Its your right to feel or act stupid but just look at the mentally sick.

Its your right to cry but why not wipe a tear from someone else’s eyes.

Its your right to lie but wouldn’t truth make life easier.

Its your right to be negative but positivity is a rare trait strive for it.

It is your right to hate but why not open up your heart to love.

Its your right to be sarcastic but gentle words always do the trick.

It is your right to give up but why not give it another try.

Its your right to want to die but another day to help someone would be better.

Rights are always there but so are choices .

Its your prerogative to make the right ones and live forever!

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Posted by on May 4, 2011 in healing, nostalgia, poems, Wisdom


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